For example, during intertemporal choice, the activity of the pos

For example, during intertemporal choice, the activity of the posterior cingulate cortex reflects the subjective values of delayed reward (Kable and Glimcher, 2007). Moreover, activity in the posterior cingulate cortex and hippocampus is higher during intertemporal

choice than during a similar decision-making task involving uncertain outcomes without any delays (Luhmann et al., 2008; Ballard and Knutson, 2009). The functional coupling between the hippocampus and the anterior Veliparib in vivo cingulate cortex is also correlated with how much episodic future thinking affects the preference for delayed reward (Peters and Büchel, 2010). The most complex and challenging forms of decision making take place in a social context (Behrens et al., 2009; Seo and Lee, 2012). During social interactions, outcomes are jointly determined by the actions of multiple decision makers (or players). In game theory (von Neumann and Morgenstern, 1944), a set of strategies chosen by all players is referred to as a Nash equilibrium, if none of the players can benefit from changing their strategies unilaterally

(Nash, 1950). In such classical game theoretic analyses, it is assumed that players pursue only their self-interests and are not limited in their cognitive abilities. In practice, these assumptions are often violated, and choices made by humans tend to deviate from Nash equilibriums (Camerer, 2003). Nevertheless, when the same games are played repeatedly, strategies of decision makers tend to approach the equilibriums (Figure 3B). Accordingly, iterative games have click here been often used in laboratories as a test bed to

examine how humans and animals might improve their strategies during social interactions. The results from these studies L-NAME HCl have demonstrated that both humans and animals apply a combination of model-free and model-based reinforcement learning algorithms (Camerer and Ho, 1999; Camerer, 2003; Lee, 2008; Abe et al., 2011; Zhu et al., 2012). Since the outcomes of social decision making depend on the choices of others, model-based reinforcement learning during social interactions requires accurate models of the strategies used by other decision makers. The ability to make inferences about the knowledge and beliefs of other decision-making agents is referred to as the theory of mind (Premack and Woodruff, 1978; Gallagher and Frith, 2003). Neural signals necessary for updating the models of other players have been identified in the brain areas implicated for the theory of mind, such as the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and superior temporal sulcus (Hampton et al., 2008; Behrens et al., 2008). Interestingly, most cortical areas included in the default network are activated similarly during the tasks related to episodic or autobiographical memory, prospection, and theory of mind (Gusnard et al., 2001; Spreng et al.

Because this race was part of a weekend-long barefoot running “fe

Because this race was part of a weekend-long barefoot running “festival”, many of those attending had participated in form clinics and barefoot running seminars on the day prior to the race. Thus, it is possible that some runners were consciously running according to how they had been taught the previous day. However, since both barefoot and minimally shod runners had the opportunity to attend the same form seminars, the comparisons between barefoot and minimally shod runners

in this race should not have been affected. It is possible that the overall frequency of midfoot and forefoot striking was inflated by subjects forcing their form to meet their perception of how they should run when barefoot or in minimal

footwear. It is for this reason that I chose to film in a discrete way 350 m from the starting line. The intent of this protocol was to allow AG-014699 purchase runners time to settle into the run and to minimize learn more the likelihood that they would notice that they were passing a camera. Despite this concern, it should be noted that frequency of forefoot and midfoot striking observed here are not inconsistent with results of other studies that have observed barefoot runners on hard surfaces.8, 9 and 27 It is also important to point out that this study only classified the initial contact point of the foot with the ground into three broad categories. It was not possible to examine the forces associated with ground contact or accurately assess kinematic variability within Dipeptidyl peptidase the discrete categories. Wide variation in initial contact position has been recognized for

a long time,28 and such variation may influence patterns of force application. For example, Logan et al.29 reported a high degree of variability in force measurements among rearfoot-striking runners in a comparison of gait mechanics between cushioned running shoes, racing flats, and distance spikes; they suggested individual differences in initial contact location as a possible explanation for this variation. Altman and Davis27 found that visually assessed midfoot strikers were often classified as forefoot or heel strikers by the strike index method. Recent research also suggests that runners who contact first on the heel exhibit variation in the location of maximal vertical impact loading, with as many as 25%–33% of runners who contact on the heel experiencing maximal vertical loading rate when the center of pressure is under the midfoot.30 Despite the potential for variation in force measurements within visually assessed foot strike categories, a recent laboratory study found that foot strike angle at contact correlates well with kinetic measures of foot strike such as the strike index.

Integrated optical studies in larger brains exacerbate the “big d

Integrated optical studies in larger brains exacerbate the “big data” problem, which is already becoming a notable challenge in multiple subareas of neuroscience. Collaborations between neuroscientists and computer scientists will become increasingly important, and even essential, for the challenges of the next 25 years—not only for generating testable hypotheses arising from models of brain dynamics or machine learning research, but also for storing, handling,

processing, and making accessible these vast data streams Gefitinib mw concurrent with the emergence of integrated and computational optical approaches. For example, large-scale Ca2+ recordings in mice will come to produce gigabytes per second of data, while CLARITY data sets for individual whole rodent brains can be ∼1–10 terabytes in size, depending on the number of color channels (Figures 1 and 3). These optical data sets will soon grow to MK8776 the ∼10 petabyte scale

and beyond, especially when larger brains including those of humans are examined at high resolution. However, conventional “cloud storage” approaches for large data sets are in many ways suboptimal for the kinds of data encountered in neuroscience, and computational/analytical methods will have to be profoundly accelerated simply to keep pace with the exhilarating new rate of data acquisition in neuroscience. Lastly, we close with some remarks on how engineers and neuroscientists might fruitfully interact in the coming years. Traditionally, there often not have not been conventional career paths, at least in academics, for engineers playing critical supporting roles in neuroscience research. In many cases, engineering departments might not view such activity as breaking sufficient ground in the engineering realm, whereas

biology departments might not appreciate the crucial but underlying links to biological discovery. As the engineering challenges become increasingly severe for neuroscientists in the years ahead, with an upcoming deluge of sophisticated instrumentation and massive data sets, the neuroscience community will need to consider carefully how best to engage and retain the best, brightest, and most ambitious engineers. Both the engineering and neuroscience communities might be well served by further appreciation of each other’s intellectual traditions and modus operandi. Engineers are typically motivated to address wide sets of problems that share central features, permitting common tools and approaches. Biologists are usually motivated to solve specific mysteries in detail. These are distinct intellectual mind sets, and the two communities can sometimes talk past each other.

On the basic science level, a decade of intensified effort will b

On the basic science level, a decade of intensified effort will bring us closer to understanding the code that operates on complex, multicompartment, multiparameter, multilevel systems to ensure robust and appropriate behavior. On the translational side, within a decade we will make considerable progress toward holistic evaluation of neurological damage in model organisms, open new avenues to guide the development of treatments, and build a strong foundation for human noninvasive imaging. Connecting the dots from microscopic cellular activity to the dynamics of large neuronal ensembles and how they are reflected in noninvasive

observables AG-014699 mouse is an ambitious and challenging task. However, the impact of such an effort in decades and even generations to come should not be underestimated. We can achieve this only through a large-scale, coordinated program with coherent technological, experimental, and theoretical efforts targeting the development of molecular probes and microscopic imaging

with which to understand the meso- and macroscopic level of brain organization. Such a program would naturally transcend the conventional boundaries of scientific disciplines, bringing together learn more experts from multiple fields beyond the traditional neurosciences including physics, mathematics, statistics, engineering, chemistry, nanotechnology, and computer science. Moving forward in the spirit of collaboration, Ketanserin we will accelerate basic and translational scientific discoveries and ultimately arrive at an understanding of how our brain constrains the way we experience the world around us and controls our behavior.

We thank Krastan Blagoev for helpful discussions. “
“When I was a student, I often imagined what fun it would be to someday have my own lab. There I would be able to follow my curiosity, studying whatever questions happened to interest me. By great good fortune, this dream was fulfilled and I have been able to study the mysterious roles of glial cells in health and disease in my own lab at Stanford for the past 20 years. I cannot tell you how rewarding this quest has been and how incredibly lucky I feel to have had this opportunity. I never imagined as a student, however, that it would be just as much fun and just as rewarding to mentor students as to do experiments myself. It has been a tremendous privilege to mentor so many talented graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. But it seems to me that we don’t talk a lot about what being a great mentor entails. That’s what I’d like to talk about here. What is a good mentor and how can you find one? As a student, I loved to read books with advice to young scientists (Ramón y Cajal, 1897 and Medawar, 1979).

(5) Inhibitory interneurons create temporal patterning of pyramid

(5) Inhibitory interneurons create temporal patterning of pyramidal cell activity resulting in odor-evoked cortical oscillations, which can enhance synchrony of afferent and intrinsic synaptic activity onto individual neurons as well as synchrony of coactive neurons. (6) Synaptic plasticity

is regulated by neuromodulatory inputs from the basal forebrain and brainstem. (7) Due to differences in local circuitry and top-down inputs, different subregions of the olfactory cortex may play different roles in odor coding, with more rostral regions dedicated to synthetic processing of odor object quality and increasingly complex associations (odor categories, learned hedonics, context, etc.) mediated PD173074 in vivo by more caudal regions. Below, we summarize new data within the context of this model. While experimental data supporting some aspects of the model have existed (Haberly, 2001), this review will emphasize exciting recent findings that both provide new detail and further

clarify our view of this important region. Previous data using small injections of horseradish peroxidase or similar strategies have supported the view of broad, nontopographic distribution of olfactory bulb input to the piriform cortex (Buonviso et al., 1991 and Ojima et al., 1984). More recent work c-Met inhibitor has explored this question in greater detail. Electroporation of tetramethylrhodamine (TMR)-dextran into identified glomeruli (Sosulski et al., 2011) or viral labeling of mitral/tufted cells from specific glomeruli (Ghosh et al., 2011) allowed tracing output projections to the cortex from Dipeptidyl peptidase individual glomeruli. Mitral and tufted cells from specific glomeruli projected throughout olfactory cortex, with no identifiable spatial pattern in the piriform cortex. Output from different glomeruli showed similar diffuse projections, providing ample opportunity

for convergence of input from different glomeruli onto individual target neurons. The broad anatomical distribution of fibers projecting from individual glomeruli to the piriform cortex is associated with a broad distribution pre-synaptic mitral/tufted cell activity following stimulation of individual glomeruli. Using transgenic mice expressing synaptopHluorin in mitral/tufted cells and either electrically stimulating individual glomeruli or delivering odor pulses revealed broad, overlapping patterns of presynaptic afferent activity in piriform cortex (Mitsui et al., 2011). This technique is particularly useful for such mapping because, as discussed elsewhere, spatial patterns of odor-evoked postsynaptic cortical activity will reflect both afferent and intrinsic fiber driven responses, and thus are not a good indicator of purely afferent input patterns. While the output of individual glomeruli is distributed across the piriform cortex, individual cortical neurons receive input from broadly distributed glomeruli, in a classic divergent-convergent pattern.

Anatomically, along with cholinergic

inputs, glutamatergi

Anatomically, along with cholinergic

inputs, glutamatergic afferents from brain structures such as pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTg), subthalamic nucleus (STN), and prefrontal cortex (PFC) provide main forms of excitatory inputs to the midbrain DA neurons (Grace et al., 2007). NMDA receptors (NMDARs), members of the ionotropic glutamate receptor family, are important regulators of DA neuron activity. First, synaptic plasticity in the glutamatergic afferents to DA neurons depends on NMDARs (Bonci and Malenka, 1999, Overton et al., 1999 and Ungless et al., 2001). This plasticity can be modulated by experiences, environmental factors, and psychostimulant drugs (Bonci and Malenka, 1999, Kauer and Malenka, 2007 and Saal et al., 2003). Second, iontophoretic administration of NMDAR antagonists, but not AMPAR-selective antagonists, attenuated phasic firing of DA neurons, Selisistat chemical structure an activity linked to reward/incentive salience (Schultz, 1998), without changing the frequency of tonic firing (Overton and Clark, 1992). Third, in drug addiction studies, NMDARs in DA neurons are essential for developing nicotine-conditioned place preference (Wang et al., 2010) and likely also involved in cocaine-conditioned place preference (Engblom et al., 2008 and Zweifel et al., 2008). Thus, we postulated that modulation

of DA neurons by NMDARs might be important in engaging DA neurons in the habit learning. Here, HIF activation we set out to examine the roles of NMDARs in DA neurons, by generating DA neuron-specific NR1 knockout mice and testing them in a variety of habit-learning paradigms (Devan and White, 1999, Dickinson et al., 1983, Packard et al., 1989 and Packard and McGaugh, 1996). In order to understand the

cellular mechanisms, we also recorded the DA neurons in these mice using multielectrode in vivo neural-recording techniques (Wang and Tsien, 2011). These mice, named “DA-NR1-KO,” were produced by crossing floxed NR1 (fNR1) mice (Tsien et al., 1996) with Slc6a3+/Cre transgenic mice that express Cre recombinase under DA transporter promoter ( Zhuang et al., 2005) ( Figures 1A and 1B). The DA neuron-specific deletion of the NR1 gene was confirmed by both the reporter gene method ( Figure 1C) and immunohistochemistry ( Figure 1D), which showed that the gene deletion was restricted to the dopaminergic neurons in regions such as the VTA and the substantia nigra. (-)-p-Bromotetramisole Oxalate No obvious changes were observed in the expression pattern of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the catecholamine neuronal marker, suggesting that there was no obvious loss of dopaminergic neurons (see Figure S1 available online). DA-NR1-KO mice were born in the expected Mendelian ratios and visually indistinguishable from the controls. Additionally, they were normal in locomotor activities in a novel open field (Figure 2A), in learning the rotarod tests (Figure 2B), in an anxiety test using the elevated plus maze (Figure 2C), and in the novel object recognition tests (Figure 2D).

, 2011) Ubiquilin-1 interacts with TDP-43 and overexpression of

, 2011). Ubiquilin-1 interacts with TDP-43 and overexpression of ubiquilin-1 can recruit TDP-43 into cytoplasmic Selleck NVP-BGJ398 aggregates that colocalize with autophagosomes

in cultured cells (Kim et al., 2009). Finally, p62/sequestosome-1 is misaccumulated in both ALS and FTD (Seelaar et al., 2007) along with TDP-43 (Tanji et al., 2012), while increased expression of it reduces TDP-43 aggregates in cultured cells (Brady et al., 2011). Taken together, these findings indicate that ALS/FTD-linked mutations in genes that are involved in protein homeostasis can directly contribute to TDP-43 proteinopathy. Except for ubquilin-2 mutations (Deng et al., 2011 and Williams et al., 2012), inclusion of FUS/TLS has not been reported in response to mutations or disruption of ALS-linked genes involved in the protein homeostasis pathways. However, as described above, one class of ALS-linked mutations disrupts nuclear localization signals, producing higher cytosolic accumulation of FUS/TLS (Dormann et al., 2010 and Bosco et al., 2010a). This relocalization of FUS/TLS may be a primary cause for initiating FUS/TLS proteinopathies. TDP-43 affects levels of RNAs selleck screening library that encode proteins involved in protein homeostasis, including

CHMP2B, FIG4, OPTN, VAPB, and VCP ( Polymenidou et al., 2011). Additionally, TDP-43 has been shown to bind the pre-mRNA encoding the autophagy-related 7 (Atg7) protein essential for autophagy, with reduction of TDP-43 downregulating Atg7, thereby impairing autophagy ( Bose et al., 2011). It is worth mentioning that mice lacking Atg5 and Atg7 in the nervous system exhibit neurodegeneration ( Hara and et al., 2006 and Komatsu et al., 2006), strongly suggesting—not unexpectedly—that autophagy is essential for normal neuronal function. Altogether, these results suggest an intricate regulatory network in which TDP-43 can affect the expression of the very gene(s) that participate in TDP-43 clearance, providing an additional mechanism of regulating TDP-43 abundance (the other being the autoregulation of TDP-43 by binding to its own mRNA), while TDP-43 also

indirectly affects global protein clearance pathways by regulating the expression of key components in autophagy. Similarly, FUS/TLS binds to the mRNAs encoding optineurin (Lagier-Tourenne et al., 2012 and Colombrita et al., 2012), ubiquilin-2 (Lagier-Tourenne et al., 2012 and Hoell et al., 2011), VAPB (Lagier-Tourenne et al., 2012 and Hoell et al., 2011), and VCP (Lagier-Tourenne et al., 2012, Colombrita et al., 2012 and Hoell et al., 2011), although reduction of FUS/TLS in the mouse CNS does not significantly alter their expression levels (Lagier-Tourenne et al., 2012). In a motoneuron-like cell line, FUS/TLS has been argued to be preferentially bound to cytoplasmic mRNAs that are involved in the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, in particular the cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligases (Colombrita et al., 2012).

This was not due to a nonspecific effect of OBP49a-t on sugar-act

This was not due to a nonspecific effect of OBP49a-t on sugar-activated GRNs, because expression of UAS-Obp49a-t under the control of Gr5a-GAL4 Vorinostat did not alter either the behavioral or electrophysiological responses to sucrose ( Figures 7B and S4B). Expression of

Obp49a-t either in GRNs that are activated by bitter compounds or in the thecogen cells did not rescue the Obp49aD phenotype ( Figure 7). The requirement for OBP49a for bitter-induced suppression of the sugar response raised the possibility that it binds to aversive tastants. To test for direct interactions of OBP49a with bitter chemicals, we employed surface plasmon resonance (SPR). We ectopically expressed UAS-Obp49a in compound eyes under the control of GMR-GAL4, purified OBP49a from head extracts, and coupled the protein to sensor chips. We found that berberine, denatonium, and quinine bound to OBP49a in a dose-dependent

manner ( Figures 8D–8F). In contrast, sucrose did not bind to OBP49a ( Figure 8G), suggesting that OBP49a specifically interacted with bitter chemicals. The OBP49a-dependent suppression of the sucrose response by bitter compounds suggested that OBP49a might physically interact with the sucrose receptor. At least two GRs are required for sucrose detection. These include GR64a (Dahanukar et al., 2007 and Jiao et al., 2007) and GR64f, which is required for sensing nearly all sugars, including sucrose, and may be a coreceptor for sugar-responsive GRs (Jiao GABA function et al., 2008). To test whether OBP49a was in close proximity to GR64a or GR64f (Dahanukar et al., 2007 and Jiao et al., 2007) and might therefore associate directly, we employed a yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-based protein complementation assay (PCA). YFP can be split into two complementing fragments, and fluorescence is generated only when the separated parts are brought together. To address whether OBP49a

was juxtaposed or interacted with either GR64a or GR64f in vivo, we generated UAS-transgenes encoding the N-terminal Cediranib (AZD2171) YFP fragment YFP(1) fused to the N termini of GR64a and GR64f, and the C-terminal YFP fragment YFP(2) linked to the C termini of OBP49-t. As a control, we used a previously described transgene, UAS-SNMP1:YFP(2), which encoded YFP(2) linked to a CD36-related receptor, SNMP1 ( Benton et al., 2007). SNMP1 functions in pheromone detection in ORNs ( Benton et al., 2007). We expressed these constructs in sugar-responsive GRNs under control of the Gr5a-GAL4. We assayed for YFP-based protein complementation by dissecting labella from the transgenic flies and performing confocal microscopy. There was no fluorescence visible in labella isolated from flies harboring the transgenes encoding just a single YFP(1) or YFP(2) fusion protein, such as YFP(1):GR64a or OBP49a-t-YFP(2) (Figure 8H). In contrast, coexpression of YFP(1):GR64a and OBP49a-t-YFP(2) in sugar-responsive GRNs produced a strong signal (Figure 8I).

On the other hand, we have recently shown that a dual allosteric

On the other hand, we have recently shown that a dual allosteric modulator, which can simultaneously enhance α7 nAChRs and inhibit α5 subunit-containing γ-aminobutyric acid (GABAergic) receptors, not only induces LTP in hippocampal slices but also enhances performance in the radial arm maze and facilitates attentional states in the five-choice serial reaction time trial in animals (Johnstone et al., 2011); presumably, this is achieved by increasing the possibility of properly timed spontaneous cholinergic and glutamatergic synaptic transmission in the hippocampus. These results strongly suggest that the cholinergic-mediated IDH cancer synaptic

plasticity is closely related to cognitive performance, and provides a relevant platform for further testing therapeutic compounds for hippocampus-based cognitive impairment including Selleckchem DAPT AD. Multiple forms of synaptic plasticity have previously been shown to be regulated by both nAChR and mAChR activation. For the nAChRs (and in particular the α7 subtype), the activation of receptors with exogenous ligands in the CA1 and dentate regions enhanced synaptic plasticity (Fujii et al., 1999, Mann and Greenfield, 2003, Welsby et al., 2006 and Welsby et al., 2007). Furthermore, the effect that the activation of these receptors has on synaptic plasticity can depend on the location of

the receptors as well as timing; for example the activation of α7 nAChRs on hippocampal interneurons can block concurrent STP and LTP in pyramidal cells, whereas presynaptic nAChRs can enhance the release of glutamate and, thus, increase the probability of inducing LTP (Ji et al., 2001). In addition exogenous ACh may convert HFS-induced STP to LTP or LTD, depending on the timing relative to the SC stimulation (Ge and Dani, 2005). Our current study is in large part consistent with these conclusions, stressing the importance of proper timing of cholinergic activation in shaping hippocampal synaptic plasticity. We have also

recently shown that nicotine, acting through the non-α7 nAChRs, was able to enhance synaptic plasticity in deep layers of the entorhinal cortex (Tu et al., 2009). This is consistent with a recent report that α4-containing nAChRs contribute to LTP facilitation in the perforant path (Nashmi et al., 2007). Multiple forms of synaptic plasticity can also be regulated Histone demethylase by mAChRs (Maylie and Adelman, 2010). For example, the activation of presynaptic or postsynaptic mAChRs has previously been shown to either enhance or reduce LTP in the hippocampus (Leung et al., 2003, Ovsepian et al., 2004, Seeger et al., 2004 and Cobb and Davies, 2005). Recently, it was shown that endogenous ACh, acting through the M1 mAChR subtype, facilitates LTP in the hippocampus via inhibition of SK channels (Buchanan et al., 2010). Here, we show that the septal cholinergic input can directly induce hippocampal synaptic plasticity in a timing-dependent manner.

, 2005; Moret et al , 2007) More generally, this gdnf/Semaphorin

, 2005; Moret et al., 2007). More generally, this gdnf/Semaphorin3B crosstalk could also impact on other developmental processes such as oriented cell migration. Although RET mediates crucial functions of gdnf (Paratcha and Ledda, 2008), our data provide evidence that the regulation of commissural axon responsiveness to Sema3B exerted by gdnf is NCAM, but not RET, dependent. Thus, we could not detect RET in commissural Selleckchem SKI-606 axons with either anti-RET antibodies or fluorescent cfp reporter in a RET-cfp mouse line. In contrast, NCAM distributes along commissural fibers from their initial growth. The inactivation of RET in Wnt1-expressing cells (including the dorsal

interneuron lineage) did not compromise the gdnf-induced gain of response of commissural growth cones to Sema3B. In contrast, the genetic loss of NCAM totally abolished their sensitivity. In the NCAM null

embryos, errors of commissural axon trajectories were detected in the FP. Although we cannot formally exclude that these defects result from other functions of NCAM, they are very similar to those observed in the gdnf null embryos. In contrast, in the RETf/f wnt1-cre line, commissural axons tend to stall but commit no obvious guidance errors during FP crossing. Finally, ex vivo and in vitro assays confirmed that commissural neurons lacking NCAM are not sensitive to gdnf-induced suppression of calpain activity and increase of Plexin-A1 levels, selleck chemical further supporting the contribution of NCAM in this mechanism. From the first study reporting that NCAM is an alternative receptor for gdnf (Paratcha et al., 2003), several contexts have been reported in which gdnf acts as a chemoattractant independently of RET via NCAM. For example, gdnf/NCAM signaling stimulates Schwann cell migration

and cortical neurite outgrowth (Sariola and Saarma, 2003). Our study identifies the commissural system as an additional context, which, being devoid of RET, stands as an interesting model to distinguish in vivo RET-dependent and RET-independent gdnf functions. GFRα1, which we found expressed in commissural neurons, is also a player in this regulation, as its inhibition with a function-blocking antibody abolished those the gdnf/Sema3B crosstalk. GPI-linked GFRs, which include the specific gdnf coreceptor GFRα1, have complex functions and mechanisms of action (Paratcha and Ledda, 2008). They are indispensable for high-affinity receptor binding and activation but can play these roles both in cis and in trans of the transducer receptor, acting on the gdnf signaling both cell autonomously and non-cell-autonomously ( Sariola and Saarma, 2003). Intriguingly, we observed that GFRα1 and NCAM expression profiles are not identical in the spinal commissural projections.