Participants who provided breast-feeding status did not differ fr

Participants who provided breast-feeding status did not differ from participants who were missing breast-feeding status on age, race/ethnicity, partner status, education, income, or intervention group. Notably, participants with missing breast-feeding status smoked more cigarettes per day prior to quitting (p < .001) but were less likely to smoke within 5 min of waking (p = .009). After controlling for intervention group, age, race/ethnicity, education, annual household income, partner status, cigarettes per day, and time to first cigarette, logistic regression analysis indicated that self-reported breast feeding at 8 weeks postpartum was significantly associated with higher rates of smoking abstinence at 8 weeks postpartum, odds ratio (OR) = 7.27 (95% CI = 3.27, 16.13), p < .001, N = 182.

Similarly, after controlling for the covariates listed above as well as smoking status at 8 weeks postpartum, logistic regression analysis indicated that self-reported breast feeding at 8 weeks postpartum was significantly associated with higher rates of smoking abstinence at 26 weeks postpartum, OR = 2.64 (95% CI = 1.14, 6.10), p = .02, N = 182. The relationships between any breast feeding at 8 weeks postpartum and abstinence at 8 and 26 weeks postpartum are depicted in Figure 1. Figure 1. Association between any breast feeding at 8 weeks postpartum and abstinence at 8 and 26 weeks postpartum. Discussion The current study generated several key findings. Perhaps of greatest importance was the finding that breast feeding at 8 weeks postpartum was prospectively associated with smoking abstinence at 26 weeks postpartum even after controlling for smoking status at 8 weeks.

Although most participants (79.1%) reported at the initial prepartum visit that they intended to breast feed, the prevalence of actual breast feeding was substantially lower, with less than half (40.2%) of the women reporting any breast feeding at 8 weeks postpartum. Characteristics associated with breast feeding at 8 weeks postpartum included Caucasian race/ethnicity (and Latina race/ethnicity to a lesser extent), greater education, higher annual household income, and being married or living with a significant other. Overall, findings suggest that breast feeding is associated with smoking abstinence among women enrolled in a smoking cessation treatment trial.

Additionally, many of the methodological weaknesses common in previous research were addressed in the current prospective study. Findings suggest that the prevalence of breast feeding and the characteristics associated with breast feeding among women who quit smoking due Anacetrapib to pregnancy (i.e., Caucasian race/ethnicity, greater education and income, and married/living with a partner) were comparable to the general population. In nationally representative samples, the prevalence rate of any breast feeding at 8 weeks postpartum is approximately 40% (Li et al.

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