Other researchers have developed a modular approach to interventions for children and parents in an effort to offer greater flexibility to practitioners using evidence-based interventions (Weisz et al., 2012). It is often impractical for everyday clinicians GSK J4 mouse to use PMT protocols that require parents’ attendance at a prescribed number of sessions over a span of 10 or more weeks. This is certainly true for clinicians working in integrated primary care settings (Axelrad et al., 2009). Some researchers have begun examining the specific components or modules essential to the implementation of PMT. For example, Kaminski et
al. (2008) examined whether the inclusion of specific program components differentially predicted outcomes in PMT studies involving families with young children (i.e., 7 years of age and younger). Results indicated that programs addressing parents’ knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy had larger PCI 32765 effects than programs that only addressed parenting behaviors and skills. Additionally, programs that emphasized improving the parent-child relationship and used in-session rehearsal of new skills had larger effects than programs without these components. For externalizing child behaviors, programs that emphasized consistent limit setting and the use of time-out resulted in significantly larger effects than
those that did not employ these strategies. Finally, programs that used manualized treatments or that emphasized giving parents information on child development were not differentially more effective. Weisz and Chorpita (2011) developed an intervention system—the Modular Approach to Therapy for Children with Anxiety, Depression, or Conduct Problems (MATCH)—that provides
evidence-based modules rather than a monolithic, “full package” protocol that might include intervention strategies not needed for a particular case. Clinicians select core modules based Dichloromethane dehalogenase on presenting problems and are free to add modules to manage various treatment obstacles that might arise. For the treatment of conduct problems, core parenting modules include (a) time-out for serious misbehavior, (b) rewards to address low motivation, and (c) active ignoring as a way to respond to child attention-seeking (Weisz & Chorpita). The detailed modular system developed by Weisz and Chorpita (2011) has shown tremendous promise as a tool that allows practicing clinicians to use evidence-based parenting interventions in ways that are both flexible and efficient. The modular system is also a good fit for professionals who provide parenting interventions in an IBHC setting. Of course, the notion that certain parenting techniques can be used to address specific child behavior problems is not new (e.g., Christophersen and Mortweet, 2003 and Kazdin, 2005). Kazdin, for example, provides clinicians with a useful guide for fitting a particular parenting technique to a specific behavior problem.