Voltage signals were band-pass filtered (0.3 Hz – 1 kHz) and digitized at 50 kHz before storage. Electrodes were independently lowered with the help of manual stereotaxic manipulators (Narishige). The electrode to target the dorsal MEC was lowered vertically
(0.2–0.5 mm anterior to the transverse sinus, 4.3–4.5 mm lateral to the midline), while the electrode to target a more ventral location was lowered at a 5°–10° angle caudally (1.5–2 mm anterior to the transverse sinus, 4.3–4.5 mm selleck screening library lateral to the midline). Recordings were targeted to L1, where gamma power is known to be highest (Quilichini et al., 2010). L1 was physiologically identified by the drop in spiking activity observed upon transition from L2 and by the prominent LFP gamma oscillations during theta epochs (as in Figure 7). We could assign 14 out of 16 recording locations relative to anatomically verified Venetoclax electrolytic lesions, performed either at the recording
site or at a defined distance from the site (as in Figure 7F); the remaining two recording locations were assigned at the end of the electrode tracks. All experimental procedures were performed in accordance with German guidelines on animal welfare under the supervision of local ethics committees. For the analysis, epochs of prominent theta oscillations (4–12 Hz) with nested gamma oscillations were included, which were visually identified from the raw traces and assisted by power spectral analysis of the theta band. Theta
oscillations either occurred spontaneously or were evoked by tail-pinch. In both the in vitro and in vivo gamma recordings, the gamma PSD integral for the ventral MEC locations was so strongly reduced that identifying a pronounced peak of gamma frequency at these locations consistently was often difficult. Therefore, we do not present any comparison data for the peak frequency. However, in both the in vitro and in vivo recordings, we observed the dorsal MEC gamma peak frequency in the expected range of PD184352 (CI-1040) 35–60 Hz. Statistical analysis was performed using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test and paired t test. Numerical values are given as mean ± SEM. This study was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 618, 665; Exc 257), the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Bernstein Centers Berlin 01GQ0410, Bernstein Fokus 01GQ0981, 01GQ0972), and the Human Frontier Science Program (LTF to A.G.). The authors thank Susanne Rieckmann and Anke Schönherr for excellent technical assistance. The authors are indebted to Michael Bendels for help with the software, Friedrich Johenning for technical assistance with the optics, and Richard Kempter for advice regarding analysis and his helpful comments on the manuscript. P.S.B. and D.S. designed the study. P.S.B., A.G., A.B., S.S., and C.B. performed electrophysiological experiments. P.S.B., A.G., S.S., and M.T.K. analyzed the electrophysiological data. S.J. and I.V.