The steady-state Richardson number can still be predicted by line

The steady-state Richardson number can still be predicted by linear theory, however. Finding the predicted value amounts to moving right along the λλ-axis in Fig. 4 to the point where λ=3Δxλ=3Δx. At this point, which corresponds to the grid cutoff scale, the maximal value of Ri   with σ>0σ>0 is the

predicted restratification potential of the resolved SI modes. In simulation A6A6 linear theory predicts the flow to become SI-neutral at Ri≈0.56Ri≈0.56, matching the simulated value to within 1%1%. The prediction for simulation C6C6 again did not perform Dapagliflozin in vivo as well due to entrainment from the thermocline, yielding a steady Ri≈0.41Ri≈0.41 compared with a predicted value of Ri≈0.47Ri≈0.47. This outcome represents the most likely scenario that would occur in an ocean model, where some combination of coarse grid spacing and viscosity INCB018424 supplier would limit the presence of

SI modes and thereby limit restratification of the mixed layer. Note, however, that in the general case of an ocean model where mixed layer depth, forcing, viscosity, and stratification are all varying in time and space the restratification potential will not be easily predictable. Nonetheless, the cases here demonstrate that the grid spacing can affect restratification by making some of the SI modes unresolvable. The third outcome is perhaps the most interesting, and occurs when the horizontal and vertical viscosities are small enough to permit a full restratification by the SI modes but are anisotropic (Sets B and D). In finely-resolved simulations with isotropic viscosity and nearly-isotropic grid spacing secondary Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities form in the shear zones between SI cells (Taylor and Ferrari, 2009), which serve to mix potential vorticity across density surfaces. Simulations with coarse horizontal resolution develop these shear zones between cells Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease as well, but the anisotropic

viscosity does not permit fully realized shear instability to form at these locations. The resulting flow features localized regions of vigorous, small-scale noise (Fig. 6(d)) that act as a nonphysical source of mixing, after which the steady-state flow is characterized by strong inertial oscillations with Ri>1Ri>1 and q>0q>0. This overturning penetrates deep into the thermocline and entrains a large amount of high-PV fluid, which is then rapidly mixed up into the interior of the mixed layer and causes the overshoot in Ri and q. Some entrainment is to be expected in all scenarios since the SI overturning cells extend into the thermocline ( Fig. 3(a)), but in Sets B and D strong mixing occurs in the interior of the thermocline and persists even after the majority of the mixed layer restratification is complete, suggesting that this mechanism is nonphysical ( Fig. 6(b) and (d)).

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