The detailed patient characteristics are shown in Table 1 The im

The detailed patient characteristics are shown in Table 1. The immunhistochemical evaluation was done by a pathologist. According to previous analyses we analyzed the nuclear intensity of HDAC expression as well as the percentage of positive tumor cells and calculated the immunoreactivity score by multiplication of receptor positive tumors have a significant benefit due to the development of endocrine resistance disease. In this context, a re duced activity of CYP2D6 was discussed, too. The transcriptional regulation of ESR1 is influenced by mul tiple promoters, and acetylation was found to be one of the key mediators for transcription. Recently, some authors described the effect of the addition of HDAC inhibitors to restore the efficiency of endocrine therapy, for example through re expression of ESR1 mRNA by trichostatin A or Valproate in ESR1 negative breast cancer cells.

Regarding the human epider mal growth receptor 2, in vitro studies showed an increased degradation of HER2 after application of SAHA. In this study, we analyzed the expression of the isoforms HDAC1 3 using immunohistochemical analysis on tissue microarrays and correlated them with relevant clinicopathological parameters, especially with hormone receptor status. Furthermore, we examined a these two parameters. A total of 208 cases for HDAC1, 212 for HDAC2 and 224 samples for HDAC3 with ex pression data could be included in the final analysis. This biomarker study has been approved by the Charit�� University Ethics Committee. Immunohistochemical staining Immunohistochemical stainings were done according to standard procedures as previously described.

The following antibodies and dilutions were used polyclonal rabbit anti HDAC1 antibody, monoclonal mouse anti HDAC2, monoclonal mouse anti HDAC3. The specifity of the antibodies was de scribed in previous studies. After deparaffinization, the slides were boiled for 5 minutes in a pressure cooker in 0. 01 M sodium citrate buffer. Before incuba tion with the primary antibody at 4 C overnight, the slides were washed with TBS and blocked with blocking reagent for 5 to 10 minutes. Subsequently, the slides were washed in TBS Tween and the incubation with the second antibody using a streptavidin biotin system followed for 20 minutes at room temperature. A fast red system was used for colour developing.

At the end, the stained slides were covered with Aquatex and a high expres sion of HDAC2. In breast cancer, high nuclear expression of HDAC1, HDAC2 and HDAC3 was observed in 32. 7%, 24. 1% and 31. 7% of cases, respectively. Low expression of the three isoforms was found in 34. 1%, 43. 4% and 35. 7%, whereas an intermediate expression of HDAC1, HDAC2 Cilengitide and HDAC3 could be seen in 33. 2%, 32. 5% and 32. 6% of cases. Correlation of HDAC isoforms with clinicopathological parameters We observed significant correlations between the HDAC isoenzymes and several clinicopathological parameters.

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