However, direct comparison of the distribution of different functions (i.e. gene) was not established between the metagenome, since length and copy number of the gene was not incorporated in the formula. To define whether a gene was enriched in the environment we calculated the odds ratio or the relative risk of observing a given group in the sample relative to the comparison dataset [24]. The odds ratios were calculated as follows: (A/B)/(C/D) where A is the number of hits to a given category in the x dataset (e.g. TP metagenome),
B is the number of hits to all other categories in the x metagenome, C is the number Selleckchem GSK2399872A of hits to a given category in the y dataset (e.g. BP metagenome), and D is
the number of hits to all other categories in the y dataset. We then used the metagenome profiles to calculate the statistical differences between the two samples based on the Fisher’s exact test with corrected q-values (Storey’s FDR multiple test correction approach) using the software package STAMP v1.07 [25]. Such randomization procedures were used to find statistically distinct functional groups in each of the wastewater pipe biofilms. Genes with an odds ratio >1 and q < 0.05 were defined as enriched and genes with an odds ratio <1 and q < 0.05 as under-represented. Taxonomic assignments of metabolic genes Sequences assigned to the sulfur and nitrogen pathways were identified and retrieved from MG-RAST and RAMMCAP output files (see Metagenomic studies section). Selected genes were taxonomically classified by BLASTX analyses against the NCBI non-redundant Pexidartinib supplier protein sequence (nr) database using
the CAMERA 2.0 server [26]. Assignment and comparison of taxonomic groups and tree representation of the NCBI taxonomy were performed using the software MEGAN v4.67.1 [27]. The metagenomes were compared at the genus level (when available) using absolute reads counts with default parameters for the lowest common ancestor (LCA) algorithm of min-score of 35, a top-percent value of 10% and min-support of 5. Results and discussion Metagenome library construction In this study, we analyzed the microbial communities of biofilms established on the top (TP) and bottom (BP) of a corroded wastewater concrete pipe. The excavated pipe sections were installed 60 years prior to this study and were replaced due to integrity failure resulting from corrosion (i.e. the crown losing a significant portion of original width). A total of 1,004,530 and 976,729 reads averaging 370 and 427 base pairs for the TP and BP metagenomes, respectively, were analyzed in this study (Table 1). We identified and removed artificially replicated reads, which represented a total of 14% and 12% of sequences from the TP and BP metagenomes, respectively.