, 2006; Fernandez-Alfonso

and Ryan, 2008; Fredj and Burro

, 2006; Fernandez-Alfonso

and Ryan, 2008; Fredj and Burrone, 2009; Li et al., 2005). The use of a ratiometric indicator enabled us to perform baseline measurements, tests of bafilomycin action, release measurements, and indicator calibration sequentially on different sets of boutons (Figure 5A). To ensure that bafilomycin had diffused into the tissue and taken effect, we repeatedly tested reacidifiaction on a set of “sentinel” boutons that were not used for pool quantification (Figure 5B). After successful block of reacidification, saturating stimulation (200 + 1,200 APs) ensured that all release-competent vesicles along the axon had been released at least once, resulting in an increased G/R fluorescence ratio (the “recycling ratio”). this website NH4Cl was applied at the end of the experiment to obtain the “calibration ratio” (Gmax/R). To our surprise, chemical

alkalization GPCR Compound Library did not further increase the average G/R ratio in mature SC boutons, indicating that electrical stimulation had triggered complete turnover of essentially all vesicles ( Figure 5C). To validate our calibration approach, we employed an independent alkalization strategy using the protonophores nigericin (10 μM) and monensin (40 μM) in an external solution mimicking intracellular ion concentration and synaptic cleft pH ( Fernandez-Alfonso and Ryan, 2008). Recycling pool sizes obtained in these experiments were not different from NH4Cl calibration experiments (p = 0.84, data not shown). We therefore conclude that, within the limits of our technique, the recycling pool encompasses essentially all vesicles at mature SC boutons (104% ± 9%, n = 8 cells; Figure 5F). In a third set of experiments, we performed all steps of the alkaline trapping experiment on the same set of boutons. This strategy, which is standard for FGD2 dissociated culture, is not optimal for slice culture because reliable measurements could only be obtained from a small number of closely spaced SC boutons (4–10 versus 13–50 boutons/cell). Again, the relative size

of the recycling pool was close to maximal (89% ± 5%, n = 3 cells, p = 0.36) ( Figure S4). In immature hippocampal slice cultures (DIV 5–7), we found a significantly smaller recycling pool (65% ± 11%, p = 0.018) ( Figures 5D and 5F), indicating that the elimination of the resting pool is a developmental phenomenon. Synapses between dissociated hippocampal neurons had an even smaller recycling pool (45% ± 4%, p = 0.0009, Figures 5E and 5F) and recycling pool sizes of individual boutons were more variable (CV: 0.54 ± 0.04 versus 0.35 ± 0.07, p = 0.046). Differences in vesicle partitioning also explain why we found a size-dependence of the RF at SC synapses ( Figure 3) but not at boutons in dissociated culture (see above). Here, any clear dependency between total vesicle number and RF is likely obscured by the large and highly variable resting pool size ( Branco et al.

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