Many cortical synapses are unreliable at signaling

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Many cortical synapses are unreliable at signaling

the arrival of single presynaptic action check details potentials to the postsynaptic neuron. Bursts improve output reliability by facilitating transmitter release. Moreover, reliability is not only improved at the output level but also at the input side. Compared to trains of single spikes, bursts of action potentials back-propagate faithfully to distal dendrites of cortical neurons with little attenuation and initiate Ca2+ influx in the dendrites (Larkum et al., 1999). Furthermore, bursts of spikes can induce long-term synaptic modifications such as long-term potentiation (LTP) and depression (LTD) in cortical neurons. Finally, burst firing in pyramidal neurons can be persistently modulated following activity deprivation (Breton and Stuart, 2009), induction of status epilepticus (reviewed in Beck and Yaari, 2008) or stimulation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (Park et al., 2010). Burst firing in cortical pyramidal neurons was widely thought to be controlled by their apical dendrites

(Williams and Stuart, 1999 and Larkum et al., 1999). The cellular mechanism implicated in burst generation usually involves a two-way dialog between axo-somatic and dendritic compartments that can generate mutually interacting regenerative electrical activity. Upon somatic depolarization, fast Na+ spikes initiated in the axon back-propagate to the dendrites and produce a slow Ca2+ spike that returns to the axo-somatic region to trigger additional fast Na+ spikes, thereby generating a burst of action potentials selleck (Figure 1A). Supporting this view is the finding that local pharmacological blockade of Ca2+ or Na+ channels and in the dendrites

of cortical neurons, or amputation of their apical dendrite, abolishes burst firing (Williams and Stuart, 1999 and Bekkers and Häusser, 2007). Nevertheless, the case is not yet closed. Although electrogenesis in the dendrites appears critical for the generation of burst firing, there is also solid experimental evidence suggesting that the axonal compartment is capable of modulating sub- and suprathreshold signals generated in the dendrites. For instance, subthreshold excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSPs) are amplified by Na+ channels primarily located in the proximal axon (Stuart and Sakmann, 1995 and Astman et al., 2006). In addition, burst firing can still be observed in CA1 hippocampal neurons after removal of their apical dendrites (Yue et al., 2005). Thus, these studies imply that the proximal axonal region is not simply in charge of spike initiation but can also shape subthreshold potentials and perhaps determine burst firing. However, the contribution of subaxonal compartments such as the axon initial segment (AIS) or the nodes of Ranvier (NoRs) was not established in these studies.

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