, 2011 and Hare et al., 2009). We carried out a further PPI analysis that, once again, tested vmPFC-PCC and dACC-PCC coupling, but this time, we examined vmPFC-PCC MG 132 and dACC-PCC coupling as a function of IFG activity. PCC’s coupling with dACC versus vmPFC was related to IFG activity when the riskier choice was chosen (Figure 8C). In other words, with
increasing IFG activity, the relative strength of dACC-PCC coupling increased (which was also, as described earlier, a function of the Vriskier − Vsafer value difference) as opposed to vmPFC-PCC coupling (which was also, as described earlier, a function of low risk bonus). Such a pattern of results is consistent with a controlling function for IFG, not just of activity in other brain regions but also of the interconnectivity between other brain regions. A clear demonstration of the causal direction of effects, however, would require Metabolisms tumor showing that IFG disruption affected the coupling patterns. Instead of assuming that attitudes to probabilities
reflect stable individual differences, a behavioral-ecological approach to decision making suggests that animals should adapt decision-making strategies as a function of their current resources, resource targets, and the opportunities that remain for foraging (Caraco, 1981, Hayden and Platt, 2009, Kacelnik and Bateson, 1997, McNamara and Houston, 1992 and Real and Caraco, 1986). We argue that these factors can be integrated to determine the current risk pressure—the degree to which it might be adaptive to adjust decision making toward pursuit of low probability but potentially large reward magnitude outcomes. The combination of risk pressure with the precise values of the specific options that might be chosen in a given decision Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase determine a risk bonus—an increase in value that accrues to the low probability but potentially large magnitude option in a decision. We designed a decision-making task for humans (Figures 1A and 1B) that manipulated these factors, changing resource
levels, target levels, and opportunities for further foraging. Human subjects were sensitive to risk pressure and the risk bonus; increases in each factor led to more frequent riskier choices (Figures 1 and 2). Although we think that our approach of adding a risk bonus to the values of choices that are made in the context of risk pressure provides an intuitive way to think about how decision-making strategies can be rapidly updated, there are, nevertheless, links between several of the concepts used in our approach and those that can be derived from a reinforcement learning-based approach (Supplemental Experimental Procedures). We demonstrated a neural correlate of continuous tracking of changing context that, in turn, impacted on evaluation of specific choices.